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Opening a Business Savings Account
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Power of Attorney
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About our new Online Services

About our new Online Services

Easily access answers and solutions to all your account and login-related concerns here.

Additional support

Additional support

We recognise that certain customers are at greater risk of poor outcomes when dealing with their finances and vulnerability can arise for a wide range of reasons.

No matter what support you need, or situation you’re facing, we’re here to help in any way we can. We know there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, so we’ll take the time to understand your needs and respond with sensitivity, respect and compassion.

Here are just some of the ways we’re committed to supporting our customers:

  • We promise to remain open and approachable, and to listen and respond to our customers with sensitivity and respect
  • We’ll treat every customer as an individual and do everything we can to understand and support their needs
  • Our policies, products and services will be regularly reviewed and updated, to help improve the overall customer experience
  • Our colleagues will be provided with the skills and training they need to support all customers
  • Our communications will remain clear, accessible and easy to understand
  • If further help is needed, we’ll signpost to other relevant organisations, such as charities and advice services
Ways we can help

How we have set up our Kent branches:

  • All branches have a power-assisted or automated entrance door.
  • All branches are level access or have wheelchair ramps
  • We welcome all assistance dogs
  • We provide seating areas
  • All branches have a low level counter or separate desk
  • Private office spaces
  • Induction loop (At least one counter with an induction loop as well as a portable induction loop to use in other areas of the branch.)
  • We have removed the dark flooring from some of our branches
  • In some branches we support the use of toilet passes.

Equipment available in our branches:

If you find it hard to use your hands, sign your name or read information, these are some things that may help. Just ask one of our branch team:

  • magnifiers
  • Weighted pens
  • Signature guides
  • Reading glasses
  • clipboards
  • Coloured acetate sheets. Some colours are held in branch and others can be ordered
  • Yellow printing paper
  • Portable chairs

All our branches offer appointments subject to availability. To book an appointment in one of our private meeting rooms you can call our customer service team and request for a member of your nearest branch to call you and arrange an appointment.

Don’t see a support that helps your situation? let us know in person or over the phone to discuss alternative arrangements.

To find you nearest branch click here to use our branch finder.

Power of attorney

To find out what steps you need to take to register a Power of Attorney to an account, please go to our power of attorney page.

Bereavement help and support

There can be a lot to think about when you lose someone close to you. That’s why we’ve put together an overview of important things you need to consider during this difficult time.

Protecting yourself against fraud and scams

In our guide to fraud and scams you can learn how to spot a scam and keep your money safe, as well as know the risks, look out for the tell-tale signs, and have peace of mind when managing your finances.

Support with financial difficulty

We understand the worry and concern you may face if you’re having difficulties in meeting your mortgage repayments. Our financial difficulties support page explains what we can do to assist you and steps you can take to help yourself.

Third party authority

If you need to appoint a third party to discuss your account with us, please get in touch.

External resources

Financial abuse

If you’ve been a victim of financial abuse, UK Finance’s “It’s your money” guide provides information on what support is available to you.

Further support and advice

We’ve compiled a list of organisations who have the expertise, skills and knowledge and provide the support or advice you might need.

Download our guide here

Power of attorney

To find out more information about a power of attorney, please visit

How to contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of managing your account, or want to speak to someone about any extra support you need, there are a variety of ways you can contact us:

  • To speak to someone in confidence, please get in touch
  • Write to us at OneSavings Bank, Sunderland, SR43 4AB
  • Email us - Please only use email for general enquiries or to request a call back. As email isn't a secure channel, please don't include any sensitive or financial information in any messages you send. Please visit our Protecting yourself against fraud and scams page for more information.
  • Alternatively, if you’re an existing customer with an online account, you can contact us using secure message.
  • For savings customers, you can visit us in one of our branches.

The details you provide to us will be used sensitively to help us support you with managing your account and in line with our Privacy Notice, which you can view at We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have about how we process your personal information when you contact us.

Using our website

Improving our website accessibility is an ongoing priority for us, to ensure we keep up to date with website standards and enhancements in technology. Please tell us if you’re experiencing any difficulties through your preferred communication method with us.

Accessible documents

We can produce large print, audio and Braille versions of our documents if required. Using the contact details above, just let us know which version is best for you.

Bereavement - Savings customers


If you’ve lost someone, it may be a struggle to know what steps you need to take next. We’ve provided information below to help you through this difficult time. If you have any additional questions about our bereavement process, or if you need support, please get in touch.

Please note this information is for savings customers only. If you’re a mortgage customer, please click here.

With you every step of the way

There can be a lot to think about when you lose someone close to you. That’s why we’ve put together an overview of the important things you need to consider during this difficult time.

Step 1

Register the death

It's a legal requirement to do this within five days of the death.

Step 2

Arrange the funeral

Contact a funeral director to begin making arrangements.

Step 3

Is there a will?

Check to see if one exists.

Step 4

Who to contact

Inform any financial or legal bodies as early as possible.

Step 5

Manage the estate

If there is a will, this will help you deal with the estate’s distribution.

Step 6

Seeking further help

Reach out to others if you need emotional support.

Step 1

Registering a death

Every death must be registered at the local registry office. This must be done within five days (eight days in Scotland), unless it has been referred to the coroner.

This is a legal requirement and the registrar provides a formal record of death (a death certificate).

What do I need to be able to register the death?

You’ll need to take the following documents/information with you when registering the death.

Personal information about the deceased (please see the checklist in the ‘Who to contact’ section to assist with this).

Medical certificate – this certificate is free and should be provided by a GP or doctor; or

Coroner’s certificate – in certain circumstances a death has to be investigated by the coroner.

The registrar won’t charge for issuing the death certificate. You may want to think about buying extra official copies of the death certificate, as this can be helpful when dealing with the deceased’s estate.

Step 2

Arranging the funeral

Contact a funeral director to begin making arrangements. Most funerals are arranged and take place within a week or two following death. It’s important to say goodbye. Funerals can be expensive, so it’s worth checking to see if a prepaid funeral plan or life insurance policies exist that may help to cover the cost. If there are sufficient funds in the deceased’s Kent Reliance account(s), these can be used to cover the funeral costs without having to wait for the Grant of Probate to be issued. These funds will be sent directly to the funeral directors.

Step 3

Is there a will?

If there’s a will, it may be held with a solicitor, or at the deceased’s home. A will explains what should happen to the deceased’s estate. It’s their last wishes as to what happens with their assets and funeral arrangements. If there’s a will, it names the executor(s) chosen by the deceased to deal with their estate.

If there isn’t a will

Where the deceased has not left a will, their estate will be dealt with under the laws of intestacy. These laws set out who should deal with and benefit from the estate; this will usually be the next of kin. In some cases, “Letters of Administration”, issued by the Probate Registry will need to be applied for. This document authorises the appointed administrator to deal with the deceased’s estate. We suggest you contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau or solicitor if you require further support with this.

A Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration can also be called a ‘Grant of Representation’.

Throughout this page we’ve assumed that if one is required, the deceased representative will apply for a Grant of Probate. However, there may be cases where Letters of Administration will need to be applied for.

Step 4

Who to contact

When you register the death, the registrar will direct you to the government service ‘Tell Us Once’, which can be found at; this enables you to contact various government departments in one go. This service is offered by most local authorities in England, Wales and Scotland, except Northern Ireland.

If the service isn’t offered by your local authority, then you may need to notify the following:

  • HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
  • HM Passport Office (HMPO)
  • Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)
  • Local council

You may also have to inform other organisations. These could be legal, financial and social organisations that need to be informed as soon as possible.

Organisations you may need to contact:

  • Banking and Building society providers
  • Mortgage provider, landlord or local authority
  • Royal Mail (for post redirection)
  • Utility companies (water, gas, electric and phone)
  • TV licensing and broadband companies
  • Any clubs
  • Dentists, doctors, hospitals or opticians
  • Local church or regular place of worship
  • Charities and/or care homes

To make sure that there are as few complications as possible in the notification process, it’s important to gather as much of the following information as you can about the person who has died.

We’ve created a checklist to simplify matters for you: Download checklist

Step 5

Manage the estate

The first step to valuing the estate is to identify the assets and liabilities of the deceased. Liabilities could include personal loans, credit cards, hire purchase agreements, outstanding tax, etc. Assets could include property (less any mortgage), value of personal belongings, shares and monies that are held with other banks or building societies. Any assets will need to be valued in order to distribute the deceased’s estate and if appropriate, to obtain a Grant of Probate.

Grant of Probate

A Grant of Probate is an official legal document which gives the authority to the deceased’s executors to act on behalf of the deceased when dealing with their estate. In Scotland, this is known as Grant of Confirmation.

Steps to take when applying for Grant of Probate

Once you’ve assessed the value of the estate and paid any required inheritance tax, the Grant of Probate will be issued. To apply for a Grant of Probate, a probate application form (PA1) must be completed. This can be downloaded from the HM Courts and Tribunals Service website at The completed application form can be submitted by post or via the government’s website. You can either choose to do this yourself or you can obtain the help of a solicitor.

If you have a username

Informing Kent Reliance when a customer dies

When it comes to informing us of the death of a customer, we want to provide as straightforward a process as possible. You can let us know as soon as possible of the death by contacting us on 0345 122 1120.

What we’ll need from you

In order to close an account, our Customer Services Team will ask you to download and fill in the below form, scan it and send it to us via email This form will highlight any additional information/documentation we may need in order to assist you through this process.

I have a 10 Digit user ID

Informing Kent Reliance when a customer dies

When it comes to informing us of the death of a customer, we want to provide as straightforward a process as possible. You can let us know as soon as possible of the death in a number of ways:

Visit your local branch:
(See our branches for your nearest locations)
Call us on:
0345 122 1122
Write to us at:
OneSavings Bank, Sunderland, SR43 4AB

Once we've been notified, we can let you know what the next steps are and we'll take the appropriate action to safeguard the funds.

What we’ll need from you

The first thing you’ll need to do is provide us with the original, an official or certified copy of the death certificate or coroner’s certificate. These will be returned to you. Please note, whilst the original death certificate can be taken into your local branch, we don’t advise you send these in the post. We recommend you send through the post either an official copy or a copy certified by a solicitor.

Once you’ve completed the form and we’ve received evidence of the death we’ll be able to update our records. From this point, we won’t send any further correspondence to the deceased customer. We won’t be able to accept any further deposits into the deceased’s Kent Reliance account(s) (If any payments are received after the death has been registered with us, we'll return the funds to the originating account). If the account is held in joint names, we can continue to accept deposits on behalf of the remaining account holder. If you do write to us, please include your address and contact number.

Please note

  • If the deceased funds are held in a fixed term bond, ISA or notice account, there will be no loss if interest applied to the closure of account.

  • Interest will continue to accrue until the account is closed

  • The account will stay open until we receive appropriate documentation to close it

  • For joint accounts, ownership will transfer to the other account holder(s)

  • If the deceased held an ISA with us the surviving spouse/civil partner may be eligible to take part in the Additional Permitted Subscription (APS) ISA scheme. Kent Reliance do not currently offer APS ISA accounts however you are able to transfer the allowance to another provider if they accept them.

I have a 10 Digit user ID

The next steps will depend on the total balances held with us.

What we need if there’s a Grant of Probate

Once probate has been granted, we’ll need to see either the original, official copy or certified copy of the Grant of Probate and be provided with a completed Deceased customer account(s) closure form. In normal circumstances, these documents can be provided to us by sending them through the post or by visiting your local branch. We’ll then take copies and return the documentation to you. We recommend you do not send the original Grant of Probate through the post.

Documents we will need from you to close the deceased customer’s account(s)

Bereavement flowchart desktop

*Please note, if the total balance of the deceased’s account(s) was £35,000.00 or above as at the date of death but has since fallen below, we will still require a grant of probate/letters of administration to close the account.

**If we have previously had sight of the death certificate, we will not need to see it again when closing the account.

Once all of the required documents have been received and payments made following the instructions on the Deceased customer account(s) closure form we’ll close the deceased’s account. Please see below for further details.

Please note

We can only release funds to the Personal Representative(s) or solicitor dealing with the estate as mentioned on the Deceased customer account(s) closure form.

Certain validation checks may need to be made by us if the funds are to be transferred to another bank or building society.

If you have a username

We’ll require a recent bank statement to confirm the bank account details mentioned on the Deceased customer account(s) closure form.

I have a 10 Digit user ID

We’ll require a recent bank statement or voided cheque to confirm the bank account details mentioned on the Deceased customer account(s) closure form. Alternatively, a cheque can be made payable to the Personal Representative(s) or solicitor and sent to the address provided on the Deceased customer account(s) closure form.

For balances up to £149.99

If the account balance is below £149.99 (including unpaid pending interest), it can be closed by providing the death certificate and the completed Deceased customer account(s) closure form.


We can make certain payments from the deceased account before we receive the Grant of Probate (if appropriate) or the completed Deceased customer account(s) closure form. These are:

  • Funeral costs - once we have been provided with the funeral directors’ original invoice, arrange payment directly to the funeral director to cover these costs.

  • Inheritance Tax - once we have been provided with a completed IHT423 form, we’ll arrange for a bank transfer to be made to HMRC for the amount of tax due. Once completed, we’ll send confirmation of the payment to the person dealing with the estate. Please submit a separate form for each account. An IHT423 can be downloaded from the HMRC website.

Step 6

Seeking further help

Below is a list of other organisations you can contact that provide specialist financial and emotional support to people who’ve been bereaved.


Citizens Advice

Cruse Bereavement Care

Free help and advice concerning financial and legal matters.
0344 411 1444

Support and guidance for people that have lost someone.
0808 8081677


Child Bereavement UK


Helps young children and young people (up to age 25), parents, and families, to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies.
0800 02 888 40

Mental health charity that offers support and personal wellbeing advice.
0800 634 9494




The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against suicide through frontline services, national campaigns and by building communities. Their helpline and webchat is open 365 days a year from 5pm - midnight.
0800 58 58 58

We’re here to help

We hope that this has provided you with the essential information you may need. However, if you’d like someone to walk you through the steps you need to take in person, please let us know and we’ll do what we can to help. If you still have some questions or would like clarification on any of the information provided, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Bereavement - Mortgage customers


Supporting you through bereavement

If you’ve lost someone, it may be a struggle to know what steps you need to take next. The information provided is there to assist you through this difficult time. If you need any further support with our bereavement process, please call us on 0345 122 1122 or write to us at OneSavings Bank, Sunderland, SR43 4AB. If you’d prefer a face-to-face conversation then visit your local branch and our team will be there to help you in the best way possible.

Please note that the information below is intended for savings customers only. If you’re a mortgage customer and you’re looking for additional information, please click here.

With you every step of the way

There can be a lot to think about when you lose someone close to you. That’s why we’ve put together an overview of important things you need to consider during this difficult time.

Step 1

Register the death

It's a legal requirement to do this within five days of the death.

Step 2

Arrange the funeral

Contact a funeral director to begin making arrangements.

Step 3

Is there a will?

Check to see if one exists.

Step 4

Who to contact

Inform any financial or legal bodies as early as possible.

Step 5

Manage the estate

If there is a will, this will help you deal with the estate’s distribution.

Step 6

Seeking further help

Reach out to others if you need emotional support.

Step 1

Registering a death

Every death must be registered at the local registry office. This must be done within five days (eight days in Scotland), unless it has been referred to the coroner.

This is a legal requirement and the registrar provides a formal record of death (a death certificate).

What do I need to be able to register the death?

You’ll need to take the following documents/information with you when registering the death.

Personal information about the deceased (please see the checklist in the ‘Who to contact’ section to assist with this).

Medical certificate – this certificate is free and should be provided by a GP or doctor; or

Coroner’s certificate – in certain circumstances a death has to be investigated by the coroner.

The registrar won’t charge for issuing the death certificate. You may want to think about buying extra official copies of the death certificate, as this can be helpful when dealing with the deceased’s estate.

Step 2

Arranging the funeral

Contact a funeral director to begin making arrangements. Most funerals are arranged and take place within a week or two following death. It’s important to say goodbye. Funerals can be expensive, so it’s worth checking to see if a prepaid funeral plan or life insurance policies exist that may help to cover the cost. If there are sufficient funds in the deceased’s Kent Reliance account(s), these can be used to cover the funeral costs without having to wait for the Grant of Probate to be issued. These funds will be sent directly to the funeral directors.

Step 3

Is there a will?

If there’s a will, it may be held with a solicitor, or at the deceased’s home. A will explains what should happen to the deceased’s estate. It’s their last wishes as to what happens with their assets and funeral arrangements. If there’s a will, it names the executor(s) chosen by the deceased to deal with their estate.

If there isn’t a will

Where the deceased has not left a will, their estate will be dealt with under the laws of intestacy. These laws set out who should deal with and benefit from the estate; this will usually be the next of kin. In some cases, “Letters of Administration”, issued by the Probate Registry will need to be applied for. This document authorises the appointed administrator to deal with the deceased’s estate. We suggest you contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau or solicitor if you require further support with this.

A Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration can also be called a ‘Grant of Representation’.

Throughout this page we’ve assumed that if one is required, the deceased representative will apply for a Grant of Probate. However, there may be cases where Letters of Administration will need to be applied for.

Step 4

Who to contact

When you register the death, the registrar will direct you to the government service ‘Tell Us Once’, which can be found at; this enables you to contact various government departments in one go. This service is offered by most local authorities in England, Wales and Scotland, except Northern Ireland.

If the service isn’t offered by your local authority, then you may need to notify the following:

  • HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
  • HM Passport Office (HMPO)
  • Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)
  • Local council

You may also have to inform other organisations. These could be legal, financial and social organisations that need to be informed as soon as possible.

Organisations you may need to contact:

  • Banking and Building society providers
  • Mortgage provider, landlord or local authority
  • Royal Mail (for post redirection)
  • Utility companies (water, gas, electric and phone)
  • TV licensing and broadband companies
  • Any clubs
  • Dentists, doctors, hospitals or opticians
  • Local church or regular place of worship
  • Charities and/or care homes

To make sure that there are as few complications as possible in the notification process, it’s important to gather as much of the following information as you can about the person who has died.

We’ve created a checklist to simplify matters for you: Download checklist

Step 5

Manage the estate

The first step to valuing the estate is to identify the assets and liabilities of the deceased. Liabilities could include personal loans, credit cards, hire purchase agreements, outstanding tax, etc. Assets could include property (less any mortgage), value of personal belongings, shares and monies that are held with other banks or building societies. Any assets will need to be valued in order to distribute the deceased’s estate and if appropriate, to obtain a Grant of Probate.

Grant of Probate

A Grant of Probate is an official legal document which gives the authority to the deceased’s executors to act on behalf of the deceased when dealing with their estate. In Scotland, this is known as Grant of Confirmation.

Steps to take when applying for Grant of Probate

Once you’ve assessed the value of the estate and paid any required inheritance tax, the Grant of Probate will be issued. To apply for a Grant of Probate, a probate application form (PA1) must be completed. This can be downloaded from the HM Courts and Tribunals Service website at The completed application form can be submitted by post or via the government’s website. You can either choose to do this yourself or you can obtain the help of a solicitor.

Informing Kent Reliance when a customer dies

When it comes to informing us of the death of a customer, we want to provide as straightforward a process as possible. You can let us know as soon as possible of the death in a number of ways:

Visit your local branch:
(See our branches for your nearest locations)
Call us on:
0345 122 0022
Write to us at:
OneSavings Bank, Sunderland, SR43 4AB

Once we've been notified, we can let you know what the next steps are and we'll take the appropriate action to safeguard the funds.

What we’ll need from you

The first thing you’ll need to do is provide us with the original, an official or certified copy of the death certificate or coroner’s certificate. These will be returned to you. Please note, whilst the original death certificate can be taken into your local branch, we don’t advise you send these in the post. We recommend you send through the post either an official copy or a copy certified by a solicitor.

Once you’ve completed the form and we’ve received evidence of the death we’ll be able to update our records. From this point, we won’t send any further correspondence to the deceased customer. We won’t be able to accept any further deposits into the deceased’s Kent Reliance account(s) (If any payments are received after the death has been registered with us, we'll return the funds to the originating account). If the account is held in joint names, we can continue to accept deposits on behalf of the remaining account holder. If you do write to us, please include your address and contact number.

Please note

  • If the deceased funds are held in a fixed term bond, ISA or notice account, there will be no loss if interest applied to the closure of account.

  • Interest will continue to accrue until the account is closed

  • The account will stay open until we receive appropriate documentation to close it

  • For joint accounts, ownership will transfer to the other account holder(s)

  • If the deceased held an ISA with us the surviving spouse/civil partner may be eligible to take part in the Additional Permitted Subscription (APS) ISA scheme. Kent Reliance do not currently offer APS ISA accounts however you are able to transfer the allowance to another provider if they accept them.

The next steps will depend on the total balances held with us.

What we need if there’s a Grant of Probate

Once probate has been granted, we’ll need to see either the original, official copy or certified copy of the Grant of Probate and be provided with a completed Deceased customer account(s) closure form. In normal circumstances, these documents can be provided to us by sending them through the post or by visiting your local branch. We’ll then take copies and return the documentation to you. We recommend you do not send the original Grant of Probate through the post.

Documents we will need from you to close the deceased customer’s account(s)

Bereavement flowchart desktop

*Please note, if the total balance of the deceased’s account(s) was £35,000.00 or above as at the date of death but has since fallen below, we will still require a grant of probate/letters of administration to close the account.

**If we have previously had sight of the death certificate, we will not need to see it again when closing the account.

Once all of the required documents have been received and payments made following the instructions on the Deceased customer account(s) closure form we’ll close the deceased’s account. Please see below for further details.

Please note

We can only release funds to the Personal Representative(s) or solicitor dealing with the estate as mentioned on the Deceased customer account(s) closure form.

Certain validation checks may need to be made by us if the funds are to be transferred to another bank or building society.

We’ll require a recent bank statement or voided cheque to confirm the bank account details mentioned on the Deceased customer account(s) closure form. Alternatively, a cheque can be made payable to the Personal Representative(s) or solicitor and sent to the address provided on the Deceased customer account(s) closure form.

For balances up to £149.99

If the account balance is below £149.99 (including unpaid pending interest), it can be closed by providing the death certificate and the completed Deceased customer account(s) closure form.


We can make certain payments from the deceased account before we receive the Grant of Probate (if appropriate) or the completed Deceased customer account(s) closure form. These are:

  • Funeral costs - once we have been provided with the funeral directors’ original invoice, arrange payment directly to the funeral director to cover these costs.

  • Inheritance Tax - once we have been provided with a completed IHT423 form, we’ll arrange for a bank transfer to be made to HMRC for the amount of tax due. Once completed, we’ll send confirmation of the payment to the person dealing with the estate. Please submit a separate form for each account. An IHT423 can be downloaded from the HMRC website.

Step 6

Seeking further help

Below is a list of other organisations you can contact that provide specialist financial and emotional support to people who’ve been bereaved.


Citizens Advice

Cruse Bereavement Care

Free help and advice concerning financial and legal matters.
0344 411 1444

Support and guidance for people that have lost someone.
0808 8081677


Child Bereavement UK


Helps young children and young people (up to age 25), parents, and families, to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies.
0800 02 888 40

Mental health charity that offers support and personal wellbeing advice.
0800 634 9494




The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against suicide through frontline services, national campaigns and by building communities. Their helpline and webchat is open 365 days a year from 5pm - midnight.
0800 58 58 58

We’re here to help

We hope that this has provided you with the essential information you may need. However, if you’d like someone to walk you through the steps you need to take in person, please let us know and we’ll do what we can to help. If you still have some questions or would like clarification on any of the information provided, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Call us on 0345 122 1122 or visit your local branch and our team will support you in the best way possible.

Changing your account details

Changing your account details

It’s important that you let us know of changes to important information such as your name, address, telephone number or email address. You can let us know about any changes in the following ways:

If you have an account that is operated by our branch team, then you can simply pop into your local branch. Please bring your passbook, another form of identification and evidence to confirm the changes.

I have a Username

If you have an account number that starts with numbers (e.g 12345678) then you can change any of your personal details by logging into your account, please ensure you have your login details and mobile phone to hand to do this.

I have a 10 Digit User ID

If you have an account number that starts with letters (e.g ABC1234567SMI) then you can log in to Online Services and send us a secure message. We’ll aim to first verify the changes electronically, but may require you to provide evidence to confirm the changes if we’re unable to verify them online.

You can also call our Customer Services Team. We’ll need to ask you some questions to verify your identity and may require you to write or provide evidence to confirm the changes.

Writing to us at OneSavings Bank, Sunderland, SR43 4AB. Please make sure you sign your letter and provide evidence to confirm the changes.

Coming to the end of your deal

Coming to the end of your deal

As a valued Kent Reliance mortgage customer, we are delighted to offer you access to our Choices mortgage scheme.

The Kent Reliance Mortgage Choices scheme rewards existing customers with a new mortgage deal that requires no valuation or underwriting assessment and is quick and easy to apply for.

Apply for a new mortgage deal online

Find a new Kent Reliance mortgage deal that suits you with our Mortgage Choices Online Portal. Login with your current mortgage deal and we will show you precisely which mortgage deals we can offer you based on your current loan.

Mortgage Choices Online

If you don't know when your current Kent Reliance mortgage deal is coming to an end, don't worry, we will contact you before your deal expires to notify you of your Choices.

We can only accept original applications via brokers, but if you’re an existing Kent Reliance customer then you can select your new deal yourself online.

We offer products on an eligibility basis alone and do not offer advice, so if you need advice please contact your mortgage broker or find one at

Contact us by phone

If you are currently on our Standard variable rate, you can contact our Mortgage Servicing Team on 0345 671 7274* for information.

For other mortgage enquiries, you can contact us.

Lines are open: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, closed on weekends and bank holidays.

*For customer service and training purposes, calls with Kent Reliance may be monitored and/or recorded. We can only provide information about our products and services and we cannot give advice.

Haven't found what you're looking for?

If you're looking for other options such as notifying us that you're moving home or hoping to make an overpayment, then please see our mortgages page.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

We've built a list of our most frequently asked questions to help you get the information you need here.

Fees and Charges - Savings account

Fees and Charges

Fee or Charge Amount
Replacement passbook
The first replacement passbook is free - any subsquent replacements are £10.

If we increase or add a charge, we’ll notify you personally at least 30 days before the charge comes into effect.

Fees and Charges - Mortgage customer
Fraud and Scams

Fraud and Scams

At Kent Reliance we’re as concerned as you are with keeping your identity and hard earned savings as safe as possible, but frauds and scams are becoming increasingly common and sophisticated and any one of us can fall victim to them.

They not only cause financial harm but experiencing them can take its toll emotionally.

If it does happen to you, please remember it’s not your fault and you don’t have to deal with it alone.

Fraudsters stole over £1.3bn in 2021, according to UK Finance’s 2022 fraud report1, with many criminals taking advantage of the pandemic to impersonate a wide range of organisations. 

Over the last year 20,144 people fell victim to scams where they were tricked into handing over control of their computer or smartphone to criminals. This amounted to a total loss of £57,790,384 – an average of £2,868 per person2.

The good news is there are steps you can take to protect yourself, and this article covers:

  • What you can do to prevent fraud
  • Protecting your money
  • Reporting fraud
  • The different types of scams
What you can do to prevent fraud

Take five to stop fraud

We care about keeping your money safe, so here are some of the steps you can take to protect yourself:

We support the national Take Five campaign – which is five simple steps you can take to help protect yourself and your money.

1. Never disclose your security details, such as your PIN or full password – even to someone you trust

2. Don’t assume an email request or caller is genuine – people aren’t always who they say they are

3. Don’t be rushed – a genuine organisation won’t mind waiting to give you time to stop and think

4. Listen to your instincts – if something feels wrong then it’s usually right to pause and question it

5. Stay in control – have the confidence to refuse unusual requests for information.

There are other ways you can help protect yourself, such as:

  • Letting us know if you ever receive an email from us that you do not believe is genuine
  • Telling us as soon as possible if lose your security details relating to your account, or believe they’ve been obtained by another person, by calling our freephone fraud prevention number 0800 077 8210
  • Making sure that you let us know your correct details. It’s important that we’re able to contact you immediately about your account and essential updates.

For further guidance on how to protect yourself please see the different types of scams where we have identified specific warning signs.


Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe.


Could it be fake? It’s ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests.


Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve fallen for a scam and report it to Action Fraud.

Protecting your money

We have robust procedures in place and our teams are trained in spotting the signs of fraud, so don’t hesitate to contact us directly if you’re unsure of anything.

Here are just some of the steps we take to protect your money:

  • Our deposit and withdrawal processes are secure, and we take the security of your account very seriously
  • We carry out thorough security checks, to help protect your savings so we may ask you for extra forms of identification
  • We’ll never ask you to transfer your money to protect your funds
  • All withdrawals are made to your nominated account.
Reporting fraud

If you feel you have been the victim of a fraud or scam, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, so don’t hesitate to report it. You can stop it from happening to someone else and can help to track down the criminals. You may also be able to get some of your money back, for instance through insurances or if you have credit card protection.

Who to contact:

Fraudsters can target absolutely anyone – through the telephone, emails, text messages and face to face. Outsmart them by making sure you know the risks and have all the facts about scams.

Cifas Protective Registrations

If you’re worried your personal details have been stolen, have noticed any unusual account activity, or deal with an organisation that has recently lost or leaked sensitive data, you may be at risk of becoming a victim of identity fraud. You can register a protective registration with Cifas by calling 0330 100 0180 or visiting to help protect your identity.

What to do in an emergency

In an emergency, if a crime is in progress or about to be committed, call 999. If it’s urgent but not an emergency, please call 101 to notify the Police.

The different types of scam

Phishing/online fraud

Phishing is a widely used form of fraud, where cyber criminals use fake emails or messages as bait to encourage you to click false links, or to give away sensitive information (such as bank details). These links often take you to dodgy websites, which could download viruses onto your computer, or steal your passwords and sensitive information*. Be vigilant when using shared computer networks in public places.



*Kent Reliance or any bank, organisations such as the police and HMRC will never ask you to transfer your money to protect your funds or ask for personal details over email.

If you receive an email from us that you don’t believe is genuine, please forward the email to

Smishing and vishing / phone scams

Smishing is a form of phishing whereby an attacker uses a compelling text message to trick recipients into clicking a link and sending private or financial information or downloading malicious programs to a smartphone. Some common ones include false delivery information, competition entry, or discounts/offers.

  • Avoid responding to numbers you don’t recognise
  • Don’t send credit card details, PIN numbers or banking information over text
  • Verify the information received through a separate source – i.e., a verified number

Vishing (also referred to as voice phishing) is where cyber criminals use verbal scams or phone calls to convince victims to act, give up private information, passwords and provide access to bank accounts. Often, the caller will pretend to be calling from the government, tax department, police, or your bank.

  • Don’t answer calls from unknown numbers
  • Take your time to properly vet the whether the caller is a legitimate source – a legitimate caller won’t force you or hurry you
  • Never give out personal information over the phone until you’ve verified the caller ID

Number spoofing involves fraudsters changing their caller ID to either disguise their true identity or to trick the recipient into believing they are calling or texting on behalf of their bank, a Government department or other genuine organisation.

  • Never call or text numbers you don’t know – call your own bank/organisation on a verified number.

Premium rate number scams aim to snare those searching for a phone number, and will see an advert with a premium third party number. This number will put you through to the correct organisation, but will charge you an unnecessarily high fee.

Never use numbers beginning with 084, 087, 090, 091 or 098 when calling government advice lines. Use organisation’s own website to get the correct number.

Catfishing/Romance scams

‘Catfishing’ is where someone sets up a fake online profile, or establishes a fake friendship or relationship with someone for financial gain. Once they have established their victim’s trust, the criminal will then claim to be experiencing a problem, such as an issue with a visa, health issues or flight tickets and ask for money to help.

If something sets alarm bells ringing then don’t part with any financial details or money, even if they’re pulling on your heartstrings and you feel sorry for them.

Situational scams

Some fraudsters will try to take advantage of challenging times, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic where fraudsters posed as health or government officials, or sent spoof texts or emails claiming to be from the NHS or the Government.

Scammers could also create websites or Facebook groups claiming to collect funds for disaster relief…only to pocket the money themselves.

To protect yourself, always:

  • Ensure any organisations or charities are legitimate
  • Never provide any bank details until you are 100% sure, and pay through registered and secure websites (a secure URL should begin with “https” rather than “http” and should have a lock icon near your browser’s location field)
  • Don’t click on any links or open attachments from unknown senders
  • If someone calls you, ask for time to verify who they are or ask for a number to call them back on. 

Postal scams

Mail/post scams are often addressed directly to you and contain fake claims or offers that are designed to get access to your money. There are many different types of scam mail, such as fake lotteries/prize draws/competitions, get-rich-quick schemes, bogus health cures, hard-luck stories, unclaimed inheritance, job offers, investment scams and pyramid selling.

  • Always check the credentials of any company you’re concerned about
  • Ignore the letter and throw it away or send it back to Royal Mail with a covering letter using FREEPOST SCAM MAIL.
  • Contact the Mailing Preference Service on to have your name taken off direct mailing lists in the UK.
  • Opt out of mailing lists when signing up to vote or setting up subscriptions

Investment scams

Investment scams can be difficult to distinguish from genuine investments – they can look incredibly professional. Companies may contact you about investment opportunities through cold calls, emails or with brochures in the post, and often pressure you with a time-limited or discount offer. 

Identity fraud

Identity fraud is where criminals can steal your identity to obtain goods or services by deception. They can use this information to open bank accounts, credit cards, loans or benefits, or order goods in your name. They may take over your existing accounts, take out mobile phone contracts or obtain ID documents such as passports and driving licences in your name.

  • Don’t throw out any documents with your name or financial information in without shredding it first
  • Never reveal secure or financial details over the phone or through an email
  • Check your bank and credit card statements carefully and report anything suspicious
  • Sign up to credit reference agencies that will check your file for any changes and alert you
  • If you think you have been targeted, then act quickly – inform your bank asap, and report any lost or stolen documents to the relevant organisation
  • Cancel any cards you believe have been lost, stolen or cloned

Impersonation fraud

These scams often begin with a phone call, text, message or email that appears to be from a trusted organisation such as your bank, the police, a delivery or utility company, communication service provider, HMRC or else someone you trust, and try to convince you to make a payment or give personal and financial details. They might impersonate a police officer and pretend to be part of a police investigation, or pretend to be a friend or family member and ask for money in an emergency.

  • Don’t be persuaded to act immediately – take your time to verify the identity of the person or organisation
  • HMRC, the police or any other government organisation will never ask you to transfer money in this way

Doorstep scams

Someone knocking at the door could be there for innocent reasons – for instance, a tradesperson, charity collector or someone in need of help. It’s often nothing to worry about, but you should think carefully before opening the door or letting strangers into your home.

The following steps can help you to protect yourself:

  • Don’t let anyone in if you’re not sure they’re genuine - always ask for ID
  • If a caller has made you feel uncomfortable, or won’t leave, contact someone you trust or call the police
  • If anything seems too good to be true, question it
  • Take time before committing to a decision – a genuine tradesperson won’t rush you
  • If you do agree to any work, repairs or purchase, always get a contract, invoice or written confirmation
  • Never give out important personal information, such as your bank details or passwords

Please note, these are just some of the types of fraud we commonly see. This list isn’t exhaustive.

Further resources

Citizens Advice have advice on spotting scams at

UK Finance and CIFAS have partnered up to raise awareness on money mules at




How to complain - Savings customer

How to Complain

At Kent Reliance we’re committed to giving you the best service at all times. However, if we don’t deliver the standard of service you expect, or if we make a mistake, we need to know so we can put things right. So if you’re unhappy with any aspect of our service, please tell us. We will investigate the situation and set about putting it right as quickly as we can.

To make it as easy as possible for you, you can find the information on this page on a PDF called How we'll put things right:

  • For Savings customers click here to view the PDF

How to make a complaint

You can telephone, write or send an email (please include your account number and a daytime contact number) detailing your complaint to our Head Office at:

Kent Reliance
OneSavings Bank
SR43 4AB
T: 01634 848944

Opening times
Monday - Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Closed weekends and Bank Holidays

* Please only use email to request a call back. As email isn't a secure channel, please don't include any sensitive or financial information in addition to your account number and telephone number in any messages you send.

What happens next?

We aim to resolve all complaints by the close of three working days after the date the complaint is received. If this isn’t possible, we’ll send you a written acknowledgement confirming your complaint has been received, together with full details of the person who is handling it.

In exceptional cases we may require up to eight weeks, or 35 working days for some complaints about electronic payments, to fully investigate your complaint and issue you with our final response.

If you’re still not satisfied or if eight weeks have passed since you first raised your complaint with us, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). We’ll send you instructions of how to do so at that point.

We subscribe to the Financial Ombudsman Service

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) provides consumers with a free independent service for resolving disputes with financial organisations.

The FOS will only investigate a case when the financial institution has had the opportunity to put things right. They allow Kent Reliance up to eight weeks to deal with your complaint. If you are still not satisfied, you must take your complaint to FOS no later than six months from the date of our final response letter.

Visit the FOS website for more information on complaint eligibility and how to take a complaint to them. Their address is:

The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
London E14 9SR
T: 0800 023 4567

How to complain - Mortgage customer

How to Complain

At Kent Reliance we’re committed to giving you the best service at all times. However, if we don’t deliver the standard of service you expect, or if we make a mistake, we need to know so we can put things right. So if you’re unhappy with any aspect of our service, please tell us. We will investigate the situation and set about putting it right as quickly as we can.

To make it as easy as possible for you, you can find the information on this page on a PDF called How we'll put things right:

  • For Mortgage customers click here to view the PDF

How to make a complaint

You can telephone, write or send an email (please include your account number and a daytime contact number) detailing your complaint to our Head Office at:

Kent Reliance
OneSavings Bank
SR43 4AB
T: 01634 848944

Opening times
Monday - Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Closed weekends and Bank Holidays

* Please only use email to request a call back. As email isn't a secure channel, please don't include any sensitive or financial information in addition to your account number and telephone number in any messages you send.

What happens next?

We aim to resolve all complaints by the close of three working days after the date the complaint is received. If this isn’t possible, we’ll send you a written acknowledgement confirming your complaint has been received, together with full details of the person who is handling it.

In exceptional cases we may require up to eight weeks, or 35 working days for some complaints about electronic payments, to fully investigate your complaint and issue you with our final response.

If you’re still not satisfied or if eight weeks have passed since you first raised your complaint with us, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). We’ll send you instructions of how to do so at that point.

We subscribe to the Financial Ombudsman Service

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) provides consumers with a free independent service for resolving disputes with financial organisations.

The FOS will only investigate a case when the financial institution has had the opportunity to put things right. They allow Kent Reliance up to eight weeks to deal with your complaint. If you are still not satisfied, you must take your complaint to FOS no later than six months from the date of our final response letter.

Visit the FOS website for more information on complaint eligibility and how to take a complaint to them. Their address is:

The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
London E14 9SR
T: 0800 023 4567

Lost and Forgotten Accounts

Lost and Forgotten Accounts

If you think you may have lost or forgotten about a Kent Reliance account, here is some information about what you should do and how we will do our best to help you.

If you think you’ve lost track of or forgotten an account with us, we’ll help you to trace your money.

Where there has been no customer initiated transactions (e.g. withdrawal, deposit or maturity instruction (if applicable) on your account for a continuous period of 6 years or more, we may mark your account as inactive.. We may at our discretion mark an account as ‘Gone Away’ if on more than two occasions items of post are returned to us.

We stop sending letters and statements to inactive accounts, to avoid the risk of personal information being sent to the wrong address.

If an account of yours has been marked as inactive we will need to confirm your identity (ID). This is to prevent fraud and to protect your money.

In the case where the account holder has died, we’ll have to confirm both the ID of the person claiming the funds, and that they have a legal right to the funds – for example, they may be an executor of the estate.

When the ID checks have been carried out successfully, the account funds can be released, together with accrued interest. In all cases, the funds in the account remain the property of the account holder or, in the case of death, their estate.

If you think you have any account with us that may have been flagged dormant, inactive or ‘gone away’, please complete our Form to Reclaim Lost Funds to begin the process of recovering the funds. Once completed, you can return the form to us by post at the address below:

OneSavings Bank
SR43 4AB

Moving Abroad

Moving Abroad

How does my move abroad affect my account?

You must tell us of this change in circumstance straight away so that we can help you manage your account.

If you have an easy access or notice account, we won’t be able to accept any further deposits into it and you won’t be able to open any new accounts with us.

If you have a fixed rate account you’ll be able to open another account offered by us when your account is due to mature from the maturity options available and then transfer your savings to that account upon maturity. However, you will not be able to add any additional funds to that account or open any new accounts with us that you see on our website or in our branches.

You can review our Savings General Terms and Conditions.

We are continuing to monitor any impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and are here to support you if you are affected by any changes.

If you plan to move to any of the following countries, you will no longer be eligible to save with us and the account(s) will need to be closed:

  • Netherlands

Please contact us, if the above applies to you. We want to make this process as easy as possible so please be assured we’re here to help.

If we do need to make any changes to our products or the way we service any of our non-UK resident customers, we’ll be sure to contact you and give you as much notice as possible.

Nominated Bank Accounts

Nominated Bank Accounts

What is a Nominated Bank Account?

A Nominated Bank Account is a current account with another UK bank/building society held in your name that has been registered and verified by us. Your Nominated Bank Account is where all electronic payments (apart from internal transfers) out of your Kent Reliance account must be sent to.

Does the Nominated Bank Account have to be solely in my name or can it be a joint account?

Your Nominated Bank Account can be a sole or joint account. Any current account that you’re named on can be used as a Nominated Bank Account.

Do I have to have a Nominated Bank Account?

In order to send an electronic payment in or out of your Kent Reliance account, we require a Nominated Bank Account to be registered and verified by us before the payment request is received.

Can I change my Nominated Bank Account?

If you have a branch based account, you can visit once of our branches to help you with this.

If you manage your account online, then you can do this by logging into your account.

When making a withdrawal and changing your Nominated Bank Account, please note that electronic validation of the new account will take one working day to process. If you are only changing your nominated account, this may take up to 5 working days.

If electronic validation is not possible, we may request an original Bank or Building Society statement, no older than three months, showing your account details. Until the update is processed, any withdrawals will continue to be credited to your existing Nominated Bank Account.

How do I set up a Nominated Bank Account?
I have a Username

For accounts starting with numbers (e.g 12345678), you would have set up your Nominated Bank Account during the application process.

I have a 10 Digit User ID

For accounts starting with letters (e.g ABC123456SNA), you must provide details of a valid UK bank/building society current account for your Nominated Bank Account. We’ll electronically verify that this account is held in your name (or in the name of the first applicant for a new joint account application). If we cannot verify this information electronically, you may be asked to provide additional evidence, e.g. an account statement.

Can I have multiple nominated bank accounts?

No. Each customer may only have one Nominated Bank Account. This will be used for withdrawals/payments on all accounts held with us.

We have a joint account, can each of us have our own Nominated Bank Account?

Yes. When opening a joint account, the first applicant must be named on the Nominated Bank Account for identity verification purposes. Once set up, additional account holders can have a different Nominated Bank Account associated with the joint account.

Opening a Business Savings Account

Opening a Business Savings Account

Including information on whether your company may be eligible for a Business Savings Account, our Opening a Business Savings Account FAQs will help you to get started.

Is my business eligible to open a Business Savings Account online?

To open a Business Savings Account online, your company must be a Private Limited business registered in the UK with fewer than three Directors and major Shareholders.

Your details must also be registered and up to date at Companies House.

Who is an Authorised User?

An Authorised User is an individual who is designated to operate the Business Savings Account on behalf of the Company. At account opening, every Director and major Shareholder of your Company must be set up as an Authorised User so that the necessary identification checks can be conducted on each of them as part of the application.

A maximum of three Authorised Users may operate the accounts of a Company at any one time.

What happens if my Company has more than three Directors or major Shareholders?

Unfortunately if your Company has more than three Directors and major Shareholders, you are not eligible to open a Business Savings Account with Kent Reliance.

What happens if my Company has major Shareholders who are not also Directors?

Unfortunately if your Company has Shareholders who are not Directors, you are not eligible to open a Business Savings Account with Kent Reliance.

Do I need to send in any evidence of identification for my Company or for the Authorised Users to open my account?

Details about your Company and its Authorised Users will be retrieved and verified from Companies House. Once you have submitted your online application, before allowing you to fund the account, we will check the identity and address of each Authorised User. These checks are carried out electronically to make it as easy as possible for you. Sometimes we are unable to carry out the checks electronically and we may ask you to send in some additional evidence of identification by post. We will let you know if we need any additional information at the end of your application.

Details about your Company, Directors and major Shareholders retrieved from Companies House will not be editable within your application.

What happens if the information retrieved from Companies House about my Company is incorrect?

If inaccurate or incomplete information is retrieved from Companies House, before submitting your application, you will need to contact Companies House and correct your details.

How long will Companies House take to correct and update my details?

Companies House should tell you how long it will take to correct and update details held on their systems; however this is usually 2-3 working days.

What is a nominated bank account?

Your Company will need to have a valid UK Bank or Building Society current account held in the Company's name. The account must allow transfers to be made and received electronically and will be known as the nominated bank account. We will need the sort code and account number for the nominated account to complete the application. All deposits into and withdrawals from your Kent Reliance account must be from or to the nominated account.

Will you inform me once my opening deposit has reached my new Kent Reliance business savings account?

Yes, as soon as your opening deposit has reached your Kent Reliance Business Savings Account, an email and SMS (if a mobile number has been registered) will be sent to each Authorised User confirming receipt of funds.

A letter confirming that the new account is open will be sent to the trading address of your Company once the initial deposit has been received.

Paying Money In

Paying Money In

I have a username

You can deposit as and when you want within the first 14 days of opening your Account, after which you will be unable to make any further deposits. You can pay money into your Account by Electronic Transfer from your Nominated Account.

Confirmation of Payee (CoP)

CoP has been introduced by the finance industry to help tackle fraud. Keeping your money safe and secure is a top priority and this new account name checking service is in place to ensure you're sending your payment to the correct person or business.

When Paying Money In by Electronic Transfer you must provide your bank with our sort code 60-84-56* and account number of your Account held with us.

Always double-check the account name and details are correct. If you would like to send a test payment of a smaller amount to see this reach your savings account first before transferring a larger amount this can be done. 

*Please note our sort code is provided by NatWest as it acts on our behalf as our clearing bank.

Confirmation of Payee checks will be available from the day after your account is opened. For more information, visit our dedicated Confirmation of Payee page on our website.

I have a 10 Digit user ID

You can pay money into your account, subject to the specific terms and conditions of any particular account.

The table below sets out:

  • The various ways you can pay money into your account, depending on how you opened it.
  • When those funds will be available to withdraw.
  • If payable, when interest will be earned.

Channel by which account was opened

  Branch Post Online  Interest
Cash You can make cash deposits at any of our branches. The funds will be available in your account the same day. You cannot make cash deposits into this type of account. Where interest is payable, interest will be earned from the day the funds are deposited into your account until the day before withdrawal, closure of transfer.
Cheque You can pay in a cheque at a branch.  You can send a cheque to our Customer Services address: OneSavings Bank, Sunderland, SR43 4AB Where interest is payable, interest will be earned from the day the funds are deposited provided the cheque is deposited before 12pm on a working day. See section below for further information relating to when interest is earned.
Electronic Transfer You can make electronic payments (e.g., CHAPS, bank transfers) from another account held with us or another bank/building society into your account. The funds will usually be available as cleared funds in your account on the same working day we receive them. When making an electronic payment to us, please note our sort code is provided by NatWest as it acts on our behalf as our clearing bank. Where interest is payable, interest will be earned from the working day that we receive the funds until the day before withdrawal, closure or transfer.

If you’re simply paying in money into a Kent Reliance account held by someone else in branch, we’ll record the deposit on our banking system and give you a receipt, but we won’t update that account holder’s passbook unless they’re present. Account holders shouldn’t give their passbooks to anyone else.

How we treat cheques
Branch account Postal and online accounts
Cheques deposited at a branch on a working day will, if payable, begin to earn interest the same day. Cheques deposited on a non-working day will, if payable, begin to earn interest the next working day. Cheques received after 12.00pm on a working day or on a non-working day will, if payable, begin to earn interest the next working day.

Cheques should be made payable in your name(s). Please write your account number and address on the reverse of the cheque.

You must allow six clear working days for clearance on all cheques paid in before a withdrawal can be made against them. We’re not responsible for the early clearing of any cheques.

Confirmation of Payee (CoP)

CoP has been introduced by the finance industry to help tackle fraud. Keeping your money safe and secure is a top priority and this new account name checking service is in place to ensure you're sending your payment to the correct person or business.

When you're setting up an electronic payment from your external bank account to a Kent Reliance account you haven't paid into before, be sure to use the payee information exactly as detailed below.

Electronic payments and standing orders

To fund your account by electronic payment or standing order (subject to the specific terms and conditions of your account), you’ll need to quote the following details:

Payee Name This will be the name of the Account Holder for the account you are funding
Sort Code 62-24-97 *
Account  number 01234567
(take the numbers from your account number and add a ‘0’, as shown
in the example)
(example e.g., ABC1234567KRB would become 01234567)
Reference   ABC1234567KRB
(quote the full account number of the account you’re paying into,
including the letters at the beginning and the end, as shown in the example)
Account type Select ‘Personal’ or ‘Business’ depending on Payee Account type

Funds will usually be available as cleared funds in your account on the same working day we receive them.

Please note: the above details cannot be used for CHAPS payments


To pay money in by CHAPS (payments will be processed the same working day if they’re received by 4pm) please use the following details:

Payee Name This will be the name of the Account Holder for the account you are funding
Sort Code 60-05-09 *
Account  number 55258085
Reference   ABC1234567KRB
(quote the full account number of the account you’re paying into,
including the letters at the beginning and the end, as shown in the 
Account type Select ‘Personal’ or ‘Business’ depending on Payee Account type

Please note: that your bank/building society may charge for sending funds to us via CHAPS

Funds will usually be available as cleared funds in your account on the same working day we receive them.

*Please note our sort code is provided by NatWest as it acts on our behalf as our clearing bank.

Please note: Confirmation of Payee checks will be available from the day after your account is opened. For more information, visit our dedicated Confirmation of Payee page on our website.

Power of Attorney - Savings account

Power of Attorney

Planning for the future

While none of us want to think about a time when we might need support to manage our affairs, having a power of attorney in place can make things much easier if that time comes.

This guide explains how you go about appointing someone to make decisions on your behalf, the different types of power of attorney, and how to register one to help you manage your account.

What is a power of attorney?

A power of attorney is a legal document that lets you select one or more trusted people to help you make decisions or to make decisions on your behalf.

There are a number of different types of power of attorney, so we recommend you seek advice on whether obtaining a power of attorney is the right option for you and, if so, which type would be best suited to your particular circumstances.

Please note, a power of attorney can be created with or without a solicitor. Even if you don't use a solicitor there will be a fee to register the power of attorney.

Why would you need to appoint an attorney?

There could be a number of reasons why you might need help managing your account or other financial affairs. You may want to ensure bills are paid whilst you are in hospital, or you may want to ensure your finances are looked after if you’ve been diagnosed with a long-term illness or disability.

Types of power of attorney

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) - There are two different LPAs: one for financial matters and one for health and care decisions. The LPA for financial and property decisions is the one we'll need to allow an attorney to help you manage your savings accounts with us. A financial LPA can be used by an attorney as soon as it’s registered as long as you give permission for this in the instructions of the LPA. If you want, you can also state the LPA is only to be used if you lose mental capacity. You can find out more about registering an LPA at

Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) – this is an old form of power of attorney used for financial decisions. If you created one before October 2007, it’s still valid – but you can’t create a new one. For any new applications, you’d need to use an LPA.

Ordinary Power of Attorney (OPA) - For extra support during temporary situations, for example when travelling or during a planned hospital stay, there’s also an OPA. This is used for financial decisions and is only valid while both parties still have mental capacity, so it’s not an alternative to an LPA.

Who can be my attorney?

An attorney takes on a serious responsibility for making decisions for someone else. The person you choose to appoint as your attorney should be someone you completely trust. They must be over the age of 18 and have the mental capacity to make their own decisions. This could be a partner, relative, a friend or a professional e.g. a solicitor. Depending on whether you need to appoint an attorney on a temporary or long-term basis, there are a number of factors you should consider, such as:

  • How well they look after their own financial affairs;
  • How well you know them;
  • If you trust them to make decisions in your best interests; and
  • How happy they’ll be to make decisions for you.
I have a username

Registering your power of attorney

If you want to add a third party (including an attorney) to help manage your account, we’ll need you to fill out our adding an authorised third party form and provide the following legal documents:

Please be aware that by registering a third party operator to support managing your accounts, you will continue to have access to our Online Services but the third party acting as an operator will not have online access.

Also note that whilst we’re in the process of building our new online services system and gradually adding new functionality, for the time being you will need to call us after each additional account you take out to add a 3rd party authority to it.

Power of Attorney document

  • Certified copy of the power of attorney (we’ll require a power of attorney which specifically deals with financial and property affairs); Or
  • If you have lasting power of attorney already set up and it was registered on or after 1 January 2016, you can provide us with an LPA access code. (Access codes are 13 characters long and start with a V).

Identification documents

  • Personal identification for the attorney(s) being added to your account (proof of name and address); and
  • Proof of your account
    You can contact our Customer Services Team to request the form and talk to us about the best way to return your documents. See details of how to contact us and when we’re available.
I have a 10 Digit user ID

Registering your power of attorney

Please be aware that by registering an operator to support managing your accounts, online access will no longer be available to any account holders named or any operator(s) who have been registered.

To allow us to validate your power of attorney, you or your attorney will need to provide the documentation detailed below. You can do this by visiting one of our Kent Reliance Branches or send the documentation to One Savings Bank, Sunderland, SR43 4AB. We will return any original or certified copies to you.

Power of Attorney document

  • The original or certified copy of the power of attorney (we’ll require a power of attorney which specifically deals with financial and property affairs); Or
  • If have an LPA and it was registered on or after 1 January 2016, you can provide us with an LPA access code. (Access codes are 13 characters long and start with a V).

Identification documents

  • Personal identification for the attorney(s) being added to your account (proof of name and address); and
  • Proof of your account with us (for branch-based accounts please provide your passbook).
Does marriage or civil partnership mean I’ve automatically got a power of attorney in place?

If you’re married or in a civil partnership, you may have assumed that your spouse or partner would automatically be able to deal with your bank account and pensions if you lose the ability to do so. This is not the case. Without a valid power of attorney, they won’t automatically have authority or access.

If there comes a time when you can't make your own decisions and there isn't an LPA in place, this may involve the Court of Protection. This can be a timely and costly process.

Find out more at

Further information

For further advice and information, contact a solicitor, your local Citizens Advice Bureau or the Office of the Public Guardian. We’ve listed some useful contact details below:


Report safeguarding concerns



0115 934 2777, Text phone: 0115 934 2778
Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm
Wednesday, 10am to 5pm

Help finding a solicitor


Additional support organisations




Power of Attorney - Mortgage customer

Power of attorney

Planning for the future

While none of us want to think about a time when we might need support to manage our affairs, having a power of attorney in place can make things much easier if that time comes.

This guide explains how you go about appointing someone to make decisions on your behalf, the different types of power of attorney and how to register one to help you manage your account.

What is a power of attorney?

A power of attorney is a legal document that lets you select one or more trusted people to help you make decisions or to make decisions on your behalf.

There are a number of different types of power of attorney, so we recommend you seek advice on whether obtaining a power of attorney is the right option for you and, if so, which type would be best suited to your particular circumstances.

Why would you need to appoint an attorney?

There could be a number of reasons why you need help in managing your account or other financial affairs. You may want to ensure bills are paid whilst you are in hospital, or you may want to ensure your finances are looked after if you’ve been diagnosed with a long-term illness or disability.

Types of power of attorney

Lasting power of attorney (LPA) - There are two different LPAs: one for financial matters and one for health and care decisions. The LPA for financial and property decisions is the one we'll need in respect of managing your savings accounts with us. A financial LPA can be used by an attorney as soon as it’s registered as long as you give permission for this in the instructions of the LPA. You can also opt for the LPA to only be used if you lose mental capacity. You can find out more about registering an LPA at

Enduring power of attorney (EPA) – this is an old form of power of attorney used for financial decisions. If you created one before October 2007, it’s still valid – but you can’t create a new one. For any new applications an LPA would need to be used instead. 

For extra support during temporary situations, for example when travelling or during a planned hospital stay, there’s also an Ordinary power of attorney (OPA). This is used for financial decisions and is only valid while both parties still have mental capacity, so it’s not an alternative to an LPA.  

A power of attorney can be created with or without a solicitor. Even if you don't use a solicitor there will be fee to register the power of attorney.

Who can be my attorney?

The role of the attorney is a vital one which involves a serious responsibility for making decisions for someone else. The person you choose to appoint as your attorney should be someone you completely trust. They must be over the age of 18 and have the mental capacity to make their own decisions. This could be a partner, relative, a friend or a professional e.g. solicitor. Depending on whether you need to appoint an attorney on a temporary or long-term basis, there are a number of factors you should consider, such as:

  • How well they look after their own financial affairs;
  • How well you know them;
  • If you trust them to make decisions in your best interests; and
  • How happy they’ll be to make decisions for you.
Registering your power of attorney with Kent Reliance

Please be aware that by registering an operator to support managing your accounts, online access will no longer be available to any account holders named or any operator(s) who have been registered.

To enable us to validate your power of attorney, you or your attorney will need to provide the following documentation. You can do this by visiting one of our Kent Reliance Branches or by Posting to One Savings Bank, Sunderland, SR43 4AB. We will return any original or certified copies to you.

Power of Attorney document

  • The original or certified copy of the power of attorney (we’ll require a power of attorney which specifically deals with financial and property affairs); Or
  • If your lasting power of attorney was registered on or after 1 January 2016, you can provide us with an LPA access code. (Access codes are 13 characters long and start with a V)

Identification documents

  • Personal identification for the attorney(s) being added to your account (proof of name and address); and
  • Proof of your account (for branch-based accounts please provide your passbook).

What if I haven’t made a power of attorney?

If you’re married or in a civil partnership, you may have assumed that your spouse would automatically be able to deal with your bank account and pensions if you lose the ability to do so. This is not the case. Without a valid power of attorney, they won’t have the authority or access.

If there comes a time when you can't make your own decisions and there isn't an LPA in place, this may involve the Court of Protection. This can be a timely and costly process.

Find out more at

Further information

For further advice and information, contact your solicitor, local Citizens Advice Bureau or the Office of the Public Guardian.

We’ve listed some useful contact details below:

Make, register or end a power of attorney

Report safeguarding concerns to:
Office of the Public Guardian (England and Wales)
Call: 0115 934 2777
Text phone: 0115 934 2778
Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm
Wednesday, 10am to 5pm

Age UK
Call: 0800 169 2081

Alzheimer’s Society
Call: 0300 222 1122

The Law Society (England and Wales)
Call: 0207 320 5650

Solicitors for the Elderly
Call: 0844 567 6173

Register for Online Services

Register for Online Services

Please visit register for Online Services for further information on how to register.

Running your Business savings account

Running your Business savings account

From how to add deposits to your account, to changing your nominated account, please see our FAQs about running your Business savings account below.

How can I fund my new account?

To deposit into a Kent Reliance Business savings account, you must transfer the funds electronically from your nominated bank account.

You will not be able to fund by CHAPS, cheque or cash.

What will happen if I attempt to deposit funds from an account other than my nominated bank account?

Deposits into your Kent Reliance account that are not from the nominated account will be returned to the account from which they originated without interest.

How do I fund my account by bank transfer?

To make a bank transfer you will need the following details:

Sort code: 62-24-97

Account number: this will be the numerical element of your account reference with a zero added at the front (for example 01234567).

To ensure that your payment reaches your account, please make sure you use your entire account number (with prefix and suffix) as your reference (for example ABC1234567KRB). If you or your bank or building society does not include your reference number when submitting the payment, it may not be possible to match the funds to your account. In this case we may need to then return the funds without interest.

Will you inform me once a deposit has reached my existing Kent Reliance business savings account?

Yes, we will notify the Authorised User once any new deposits have reached your Kent Reliance business savings account.

Is there a limit on how much I can withdraw online?

No, but this is currently under review.

How soon will I receive my money if I withdraw online?

This depends on the day and time you submit your withdrawal request. Full details can be found in our withdrawals page.

How can my business add another Authorised User, Director or major Shareholder to manage the account?

To update Authorised User, Director or major Shareholder information, please download and complete this form and send it to us via secure message.

Can the nominated bank account be changed?

Yes. You must notify us of the change by writing to us with the name, sort code and account number of your new nominated bank account (which must be held in the account holder’s name). You will need to send us an original Bank/Building Society account statement no more than three (3) months old showing the account details. Until such time the update takes effect withdrawals made from your account(s) will still be credited to your existing nominated bank account.

How to make a withdrawal?

Authorised users can withdraw from their account by logging in to your Online Services. Alternatively you can call us or send us a secure message.

To close your account through Online Services, please use the secure message function to send your closure request.

Staying in touch

Staying in touch

Keeping you up to date

We’ll provide you with information about transactions as follows:

We’ll send you a transactional statement for each month that you make a payment (other than interest payments) out of any of your postal or branch based savings accounts, unless you tell us otherwise.
If you have an online account, we’ll upload a transactional statement to our online banking portal for each month that you make a payment in or out of your account (other than interest payments). We’ll notify you via email when these statements are available to view and download.

In addition to these transactional statements, we’ll send you an annual statement.

If you register to use online services, you can view your account balance and recent transactions online at any time. Register for Online Services now.

Please note: if you have a passbook account, you’ll be able to view your balance and transactions, but won’t be able to make additional deposits or withdraw funds online from these accounts.

How interest is paid

Unless your specific product terms and conditions state otherwise, interest will be credited to your account or paid into an account you have elected (when you opened your account), to have interest credited annually on the first working day after 5 April.

For accounts where interest is paid monthly, interest is added to the account or paid to your elected account on the last working day of each month.

Marketing material

When you opened your account, you would’ve let Kent Reliance know your marketing preferences and whether you’d like to be updated about products and services that we think may interest you.

If you wish to change your marketing preferences, you can do so any time. If you have online access, simply log on and send us a secure message. Otherwise, write to us at:

OneSavings Bank
SR43 4AB

If you’d like to see how we use your personal information, please click here.

Keeping us up to date

Lost or stolen documents

You must keep all security details we give you safe and not give them to another person or let anyone else use them.

If you lose your passbook, other documents or security details relating to your account or believe they’ve been acquired by another person you should tell us as soon as possible on our freephone fraud prevention number 0800 077 8210.

Support with financial difficulties - Mortgage customer

Support with financial difficulties

I’m struggling to pay my mortgage

We know it can be hard to talk about your finances but if you’ve missed a payment - or think you might miss one - we’re here to help you.

We have a fully trained and experienced team who will work with you to understand your circumstances and find a manageable solution.

We can also signpost you to free impartial advice if you need further support.

Your mortgage is a priority debt, so if you’re worried you could miss a payment, then contact us as soon as possible so we can provide early assistance. If you have a representative who supports you with managing your finances, we can put measures in place so that we can talk to them on your behalf.

Contacting us will not impact your credit file and the sooner you tell us about your worries, the sooner we can help you (this may also help to avoid fees).

Please select from the options below to show how we can help you.

Further support and advice Contact us
If you have difficulties with your finances and other creditors, you may wish to seek independent financial advice or assistance from other sources. We’ve compiled a list of trusted organisations who have the expertise, skills, knowledge and provide the support you might need.

Download our guide here
Contact us for any help and answers to any questions you may have. Please note that we can’t disclose account information without verification.
Taking Money Out - Savings account

Taking Money Out

I have a username

You can only make payments out of your Account into your Nominated Account by Faster Payments. To make a withdrawal you can simply log in to your account to action this.

Please check the conditions of your account to ensure your account allows withdrawals.

For Fixed Rate Bonds we only allow closures during the first 14 days after your account has been opened, no further withdrawals are permitted during the fixed rate period.

We understand that things can change unexpectedly and so, if you have an account that doesn’t allow access and you require your savings earlier or before your maturity date, you can call us to discuss this. We may ask you to help us understand your change in circumstance which may include a request for supporting documents. Any decision that is made, is at our discretion.

The Key Features and Summary Box Document Specific Conditions will give you more information about your account.

You can only make payments out of your Account if you have enough available money in your Account to cover the payment.

We may apply financial and other limits to your instructions. If you request a withdrawal of under £30,000 this will be sent to your nominated account the same day, if you request £30,000 or over this will be sent to your nominated account the next working day. We also apply internal limits to some kinds of payment for security reasons and we will not always tell you what these are.

For any additional information on depositing or withdrawing money from your Savings Account please refer to the Key Features and Summary Box Document and the Savings Account Conditions.

I have a 10 Digit user ID

You can withdraw online, by post and in branch, depending on your account terms. Electronic payments from your account can only be credited to your nominated bank account.

How to request a closure?

You can close your account by phone or by post. If you have registered for Online Services then you can also send us a secure message. If you have a branch-based account then you can you visit one of our branches. If you close your last active account, you’ll no longer be able to access online services. If you send us a secure message to request closure, you will not be able to view a response. We recommend that before closing, you download any information or statements you would like to keep on record.

How to make a withdrawal? Online and Postal accounts

You can make a request to withdraw money online (if you have registered for Online Services), by phone or by post. If you have a branch-based account, you can also visit one of our branches.

For notice accounts

Not all notice accounts allow withdrawals without giving the full amount of notice. If your account allows immediate access, it will be subject to a loss of interest.

Please refer to the product specific terms and conditions of your account for further details.

For fixed term accounts

If your bond allows you to make a withdrawal during the fixed rate period, it will be subject to a loss of interest.

Please refer to the product specific terms and conditions of your account for further details.

We understand that things can change unexpectedly and so, if you have an account that doesn’t allow access and you require your savings earlier than your notice period allows or before your maturity date, you can call us to discuss this. We may ask you to help us understand your change in circumstance which may include a request for supporting documents. Any decision that is made, is at our discretion.

What will I need to make a withdrawal or closure?

By post

A signed letter detailing your request or alternatively, you can download and complete a withdrawal/closure form. Please send your request to OneSavings Bank, Sunderland, SR43 4AB.

Online/by phone

  • The date you want your money to leave your account, or when you would like your account to close; and
  • The amount you would like to withdraw, and/or confirmation that you would like to close your account (if applicable).

In branch

Please bring your passbook (if applicable) and identification with you. You can find a list of the documents we accept in our Proof of ID and address leaflet.

For details on how to get in touch, visit our contact us page.

Electronic payment requests

Electronic payments (e.g. CHAPS, bank transfers) will only be sent to your nominated bank account. If you change or add a new nominated bank account, please allow additional time for the change to take effect. It’ll take one working day to validate your new nominated bank account, which will result in the payment timescales being delayed by one day. Click here for further information about nominated bank accounts.

If we receive your payment request before 3.30pm on a working day your money will be transferred to the receiving bank/building society on the same day you requested them.

If we receive your payment request after 3.30pm or on a non-working day (weekends and bank holidays), your money will be transferred to the receiving bank/building society the next working day.

Please note CHAPS requests cannot be made online. Please call us if you want to make a CHAPS payment, these may incur a charge.

Please be aware that if you send us a withdrawal/closure request by post, you may receive your money a day later than the timescales shown above.

There is no limit on how much you can withdraw, subject to money being available in the account and your specific terms and conditions.

Cash withdrawal requests

Cash withdrawals can only be made by customers who opened their account(s) in a branch.

Cash (requested at branch during branch opening hours)

How much can I withdraw? When will I receive my money?
Our current daily cash limit is £500 Same day (over the counter)
Withdrawals in excess of £500 must be paid by cheque or electronic payment. (e.g. CHAPS, bank transfers)

Cheque withdrawal requests

Cheque withdrawals aren’t available for accounts opened online.


Method of request How much can I withdraw? When will I receive my money? 
Branch (requested during branch opening hours)

Up to £99,999.99 Same day (over the counter)
£100,000 and above Your cheque will be processed at our Customer Services office and posted to your registered address.

Please see tables 4 and 5 of the Savings General terms and conditions for further details. 

No limit, subject to money being available in the account  Your cheque will be posted to your registered address the day your request is treated as received.

Please see tables 4 and 5 of the Savings General terms and conditions for further details.
Taking Money Out - Business savings account

Taking Money Out

You can withdraw online, by post and in branch, depending on your account terms. Electronic payments from your account can only be credited to your nominated bank account.

How to request a withdrawal/closure

Please note, if you close your last active account, you will no longer be able to access online services. If you send us a secure message to request closure, you will not be able to view a response. We recommend that before closing, you download any information or statements you would like to keep on record.

Online and Postal accounts

You can make a request to withdraw funds or close* your account online (if you have registered for Online Services), by phone or by post.

*To close your account through the online banking service, please use the secure message function to send your closure request.

Branch accounts

If you opened your account in branch, you can make a request to withdraw or close your account by phone, post or by visiting one of our branches.

For notice accounts

Not all notice accounts allow withdrawals without giving the full amount of notice. If your account allows immediate access, it will be subject to a loss of interest.

Please refer to the product specific terms and conditions of your account for further details.

For fixed term accounts

Not all fixed rate bonds allow withdrawals during the fixed rate period. If your bond allows you to make a withdrawal during the fixed rate period, it will be subject to a loss of interest.

Please refer to the product specific terms and conditions of your account for further details.

We understand that things can change unexpectedly and so, if you have an account that doesn’t allow access and you require your savings earlier than your notice period allows or before your maturity date, you can call us to discuss this. We may ask you to help us understand your change in circumstance which may include a request for supporting documentation. Any decision that is made, is at our discretion.

To request a withdrawal or to close your account, you’ll need to provide us with the following:

By post

A signed letter detailing your request or alternatively, you can download and complete a withdrawal/closure form. Please send your request to OneSavings Bank, Sunderland, SR43 4AB.

Online/by phone
  • The date you want your savings to leave your account, or when you would like your account to close; and
  • The amount you would like to withdraw, and/or confirmation that you would like to close your account (if applicable).
In branch

Please bring your passbook (if applicable) and identification with you. You can find a list of the documents we accept in our Proof of ID and address leaflet.

For details on how to get in touch, visit our contact us page.

Electronic payment requests

Electronic payments (e.g. CHAPS, bank transfers) will only be sent to your nominated bank account. If you change or add a new nominated bank account, please allow additional time for the change to take effect. It’ll take one working day to validate your new nominated bank account, which will result in the payment timescales being delayed by one day. Click here for further information about nominated bank accounts.

If we receive your payment request before 3.30pm on a working day your funds will be transferred to the receiving bank/building society on the same day you requested them.

If we receive your payment request after 3.30pm or on a non-working day (weekends and bank holidays), your funds will be transferred to the receiving bank/building society the next working day.

Please note CHAPS requests cannot be made online. Please call us if you want to make a CHAPS payment, these may incur a charge.

Please be aware that if you send us a withdrawal/closure request by post, you may receive your money a day later than the timescales shown above.

There is no limit on how much you can withdraw, subject to funds being available in the account and your specific terms and conditions.

Cash withdrawal requests

Cash withdrawals can only be made by customers who opened their account(s) in a branch.

Cash (requested at branch during branch opening hours)

How much can I withdraw? When will I receive my funds?
Our current daily cash limit is £500 Same day (over the counter)
Withdrawals in excess of £500 must be paid by cheque or electronic payment. (e.g. CHAPS, bank transfers)
Cheque withdrawal requests

Cheque withdrawals aren’t available for accounts opened online.


Method of request How much can I withdraw? When will I receive my funds? 
Branch (requested during branch opening hours)

Up to £99,999.99 Same day (over the counter)
£100,000 and above Your cheque will be processed at our Customer Services office and posted to your registered address.

Please see tables 4 and 5 of the Savings General terms and conditions for further details. 

No limit, subject to funds being available in the account  Your cheque will be posted to your registered address the day your request is treated as received.

Please see tables 4 and 5 of the Savings General terms and conditions for further details.